In the U.S., higher education institutions spend almost $14 billion annually on energy. As prices rise and budgets shrink, colleges and universities seek opportunity to reduce spending, maximize funding, and stay competitive.

Unique conditions present a variety of challenges to performing energy conservation initiatives on higher education properties:

  • Overall funding cuts make capital expenses for energy efficiency less attainable
  • Committee-based decision making may present challenges to launching sustainability programs
  • Long operational hours and heavy foot traffic make energy conservation more challenging

The timing is ideal for Higher Ed operators to take action:

  • Offset unpopular tuition hikes by cutting spending
  • Capture time-sensitive incentives
  • Appeal to eco-conscious students and donors through green marketing opportunities

Take Action. Learn more about energy and sustainability and contact us for a no-obligation initial assessment for your properties.

Typical Energy Consumption

  • Through energy management strategies, colleges and universities can reduce their energy spending by 30% or more1
  • Low- or no-cost behavioral and operational modifications can reduce energy costs by up to 25%1